Using Evernote

Have managed to upload a number of pics to my Evernote account but only recently realised that you had to download the application too to gain maximum benefit! (thanks Mike) So now I can clip images or text to store it on Evernote too. I created a couple of Wordles which are really cute ‘word clouds’ made from uploaded text. The most-used words in the text appear larger and the program can present the text in different fonts, colours and directions. I created my two from President Jimmy Carter’s inaugural and farewell speeches to see if there was a contrast in the focus of his attention. Hopefully, I will attach the two of them below…

Published in: on February 22, 2010 at 8:36 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Wow – huge differences between the two speeches – the second is more nuanced, and words like ‘spirit’ and ‘dream’ seem to have faded.

    I need to borrow one of my kids Windows 7 laptops to make screencasts of Evernote on Win7 because it works slightyl differently to XP and Vista.

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